Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Calling

Last week, the stake presidency asked to meet with me, and as of today, I am officially the second counselor in our Stake Primary Presidency.

I am so, so nervous.

I am being set apart on Tuesday along with the president, first counselor and secretary, and then we are going to be trained for a couple of hours afterward.

Holy smokes!

(disclaimer: I know it's all going to work out fine, like it always does, but man oh man this is a very scary thing to me.)


Cindy said...

Oh Katie, you can SO do it!!! Also, it won't be for long, and it will give you terrific leadership experience. I'm not surprised at all :):):)

Kim said...

Yay! You are in primary with me! Second counselor is such a fun position - that's the one over scouting. What great training for when Tyler gets older. Believe me it's confusing to figure out webelos, pack meetings, courts of honor, etc. I'm so proud!

The Desatoff Family said...

You were made for this calling! I know you will do a wonderful job and when the time comes to be released, you will miss it :) Congratulations!

Melissa said...

Does this mean you are kicked out of our Primary? You were so on top of things... I hope your replacement can fill your shoes!

Mom said...

change is good..scary but good. great opportunity. don't worry, have fun. do I get Tyler now?

The Coxes said...

That's great, Katie!!! Should be fun!