Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mother's Day and such

Mother's Day was awesome. We all woke up late and McKay had to play the organ, so the babies and I skipped sacrament. Just to be sure, there is no sarcasm in those statements. What Mother's Day is better than NOT fighting with wiggly babies for 90 minutes and NOT wincing at guilt-inducing Mother's Day talks, only collecting your M.D. goodies (Godiva chocolates! Drool) and dropping the kiddos off to their respective classes within five minutes of walking into the building? Best Sunday ever.

My present from McKay:

I found this perfume in a shop in Madrid, Spain in 2005 with the help of my friend Mary Anne. It is THE perfect scent. However, about every three years I run out of it, and McKay has to scour the internet for my birthday/Mother's Day/our anniversary and find someone who has a bottle because I THINK THEY'VE STOPPED MAKING IT. Never mind that disturbing fact, disaster has been averted for three more years.

Also, happiness at our house is a blackberry smoothie in the AM. 

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