Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Time!

Okay, I went a little crazy with the Christmas festivities this year. McKay probably thinks I'm a nut. We put up all our decorations as soon as we got home from spending Thanksgiving in Texas. Note the ornaments do not go below two feet from the ground, which is about the extent of Tyler's reach.

I insisted on having a gingerbread house this year, since I've never made a real one before.

Tyler thought it was pretty cool.

We got our first big sticking snowstorm, and Tyler just about laughed his head off watching the snow fall outside. Later, when it stopped snowing, we took him outside, and he trudged little paths all over our yard.

Somehow or another, he lost his glove, and it stayed put.

Tonight, I was baking sugar cookies, and I kept noticing that there were fewer finished cookies than I had thought. I would look at the table and think, "Hmm, weren't there just three cookies right here?" I noticed Tyler doing victory laps around the coffee table in the living room, so I figured the disappearing cookies were probably related. I decided to watch:

While my back was turned to the oven, he had been sneaking cookies! I blame Uncle Gordy.

You can see he was quite pleased with himself. But I would be too if I was this cute!

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