Tuesday, March 11, 2014

February 23 - March 1

Tuesday, February 25: My pharmacology lecture was on anticoagulants. McKay and Jamie came on campus to see me at lunchtime, and they brought me lunch from Potbelly’s. While we sat in the lobby eating and talking, all my classmates who were on their way in or out went crazy over how cute Jamie is. They even thought it was cute when she wailed all the way out the door because she didn’t want to leave me. McKay and Jamie went to the library, where Jamie got the same Goodnight Moon book she always does. Even though we own a copy. And even though this particular copy is in Spanish (Buenas Noches, Luna). This is Jamie, in a nutshell :) I took my nursing concepts test that afternoon, and got another A. I am glad I’m stocking up some high grades, I feel like I’ll be needing them to average out the second half of the semester, which I hear is the hardest :( I let Tyler pick out what he wanted for dinner, and he decided on Sweet Potato Gnocchi, his favorite dinner. Like every other night, Jamie refused to go to sleep until she had said goodnight to Bronxie. He jumps on her bed and onto her, licks her face and she laughs and says “Oh, Bronxie” fondly, before grabbing him around the neck and wrestling him down for a hug and a kiss. He is normally gnawing on her fingers during this, and wriggling, trying to escape. This is also Jamie in a nutshell :) 

Wednesday, February 26: Jamie always needs something to look forward to in order to be excited about school, and she always gets excited about packing a snack for school into her little princess lunchbox, and then putting the lunch box into her princess backpack. She normally picks peanut butter crackers or craisins to take with her. Her teacher commented on it the other day, saying “I always wonder what she’s going to pull out of that little bag every morning!” I had my assessment lab over the cardiovascular system, I’m a little nervous to learn this stuff because now I’m responsible for knowing how to care for anyone with a heart problem; it feels safer knowing nothing! I met my visiting teacher Barbara at La Madeleine’s, which was much less stressful than cleaning my house :) . She gave me a cute little Easter sign for our home. I’m actually starting to know the staff there because last semester, I treated myself to Parisian Eggs Benedict after each test. Now if I did that this semester, I’d gain thirty pounds, because there are several tests each week. But it was kind of fun saying hey to the staff again. After school, the kids played in the back yard while I studied pharm. The days are getting long and warm enough for them to spend hours out there, digging holes, building castles, and chasing Bronx around all afternoon. Tyler got a kick to the shin playing soccer with McKay, and when he came inside crying, I showed him my permanent indentions in my shins from my days of soccer playing. He was impressed.

Thursday, February 27: Donut day!

Predictably, I studied all day long. Tyler had running club, and he did nine laps this time, tying Jesse and Alan! I was so proud of him. I hauled the kids off for an impromptu Target trip to get new clothes for Jamie. Why do they keep growing? After perusing the toddler section there and seeing all the cute little shirts, I started to wish they made their baby clothes in adult sizes. I’d totally wear this stripy number.

Friday, February 28: During concepts, we had a practice lab all day for practicum check offs next week. We also got pulled aside for our midterm evaluations with our concepts clinical leaders. I’m doing well it seems! McKay and Tyler went to a dinner party at the Benac’s. Jamie and I stayed home for a fun, fun night of studying and bubble baths!

Saturday, March 1: Took the kids to the McDonalds playplace so they could have a bit of fun while I carried on with the incessant studying. They got Legoland cups with their Happy Meals, to their pleasant surprise. I met with my study group and we studied our brains out for a few hours. We are all very ready for spring break :)

Funny Things:

Jamie always says goodbye to the books she drops into the drop box at the library, and names them as they go. “Bye, two movie and two books!”

Jamie really likes playing baseball with McKay. McKay will basically aim the ball at the bat for her, and when she throws it back, she pauses, gives McKay an insane grin, and then throws it like two feet.

Tyler: Has one full month of greens now!

Jamie: Always wants her hair in pigtails “like Sandy!” (from the Croods). 

Jamie: For some reason, Jamie equates being muddy and dirty with having to go to the doctor’s. After playing outside and getting outrageously dirty, she ran screaming through the house when home teachers were over, “I don’t want to go to the doctor! I don’t want shots!”

Tyler: After Jamie coughed on him in the car: “Jamie! I’m trying to escape being sick!”

Tyler: “I ran nine miles!” (He ran nine laps.)

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