Monday, September 26, 2011

September, Where'd You Go?

Our camera had the misfortune of taking a swim in my parents' pool while we were on our California trip, and I hate blogging without pictures! But September went by so fast, and we're still camera shopping (suggestions are welcome!)

1. I started the new semester, and I'm taking (gasp) 16 credits. It's a tad crazy, but if I can get these last few classes in Dallas finished quickly, I can be done with my B.A. by next September, and that thought is carrying me through late night Biology labs. I've been waiting for this since Tyler was six months old, and I'm finally being able to do it! It's funny, when I was in school, I never appreciated the fact that I was in school. Now, I LOVE learning. I love reading for my classes. McKay makes fun of me because I actually read everything and take tons of notes. After three years of only being concerned with taking care of babies, it's wonderful to feel smart and to learn new things. I feel like a real person again! :)

2. McKay had his 28th birthday while we were gone! That was not in the plan, but a couple of sick babies had other plans. There are presents in the works right now, so more on that later.

3. We are finally getting settled in the new house! It's been cool enough to do yard work lately, so we ripped out everything in the flower beds and planted big bushy chrysanthemums, and in the spring, we'll have daisies and tulip bulbs. So cute! We're also finally getting around to making curtains and hanging pictures, all those things that make it homey.

4. We had a huge yard sale this last weekend with our friend Eve and her two kids! I was really glad for the chance to get rid of all our extra baby clothes (four big gray bins of just Jamie's stuff! Ridiculous!), and maybe make a little extra cash. We did get rid of everything by the end, thanks to rabid freecyclers (don't invite them if you aren't prepared for crazy town). I did make a little money, although I just turned around and bought a bunch of Eve's stuff. It was a ton of work, but I'm glad we did it, and our house is looking more and more uncluttered. Flylady would be so proud!

So life is going on. September went by too fast! The holiday season is already here, and we don't even have our decorations out of moving boxes yet!

More updates to come, and hopefully pictures soon!

1 comment:

Lisa Johnson said...

That's awesome you get to go back to school. I know what you mean about missing the joy of learning. :)