Thursday, April 28, 2011


Easter was pretty low key this year. We kept it contained to our ward's Easter Egg Hunt and big potluck brunch, a big Easter dinner with family and friends, and Easter baskets a few days later.

Wait, that doesn't sound low key at all!

At our church's egg hunt, where they had 700 eggs hidden for like 30 kids. The women who run our primary are amazing.

Baskets were (of course) forgotten in our rush to get there on time, so we had this lovely number instead.

Tyler and Evelyn reveling in their loot.

Big news: Jamie let Grandma hold her for a half hour. And she smiled for most of it! Anyone who has gone through separation anxiety with a nine month old knows that this was an Easter miracle.

Tyler and Jamie were supposed to be posing for Easter picture. I guess handfuls of candy and eating the flowers work, too!

We had a pretty fantastic Easter program on Sunday. Normally, I don't seem to hear much of the speakers because I'm in and out with Jamie and Tyler, but I got to hear all of the youth speaker's talk, which was one of the sweetest talks I've ever heard. I don't even know this girl's name, but her love for the Savior just beamed out of her as she spoke about his death and resurrection. Her emotions more than anything reminded me what Easter is all about: Christ overcame death. And because of what he has done for us, everyone can too. All of our loved ones who have died will live again because of the atonement. Thank you, girl, for reminding me!

Happy Easter, everyone!

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