Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 2 - February 8

Sunday, February 2: We slept in this morning, and even though it made us very late to church, we definitely needed it after the late night before. Our Relief Society held a visiting teacher workshop, and all the husbands came into Primary and Young Women's to fill in for all the ladies. Somehow I still ended up helping out during singing time, though. I wasn't planning on it, so I was totally unprepared. I walked Jamie into Primary to help her find her class, and when the Primary president saw me, she called out "Oh good, Sister Hinckley is here! We're ready for the birthday song!" I froze, and then just rolled with it. It went fine, except when Tyler got upset that I didn't choose him to help with the singing time game (it couldn't be helped, his popsicle stick was not drawn :( ). After church, I studied a bunch.  
Monday, February 3: McKay picked Tyler and Jamie up from school, and Tyler was not happy about it. McKay came a little earlier than he had planned, and he got to Tyler's school before Tyler could hop on the bus to Jamie's school (he goes there after school on Mondays for an hour or so since that is the only day that my classes go past 2PM). He was already starting to cry as he saw McKay pull up. He really wanted to go to Jamie’s school, they have so much fun over there on Mondays. McKay smoothed things over and worked on a new Legos project from his set he got for Christmas. That lifted his spirit:)

Tuesday, February 4: This was my super long day at school, but McKay and Jamie had a fun day hunting for a new set of car seats, so we can have car seats in both cars. We do a ton of switching car seats around, and it gets pretty tiresome.
Wednesday, February 5: Today was an early lab, and I actually had to meet up with McKay on my way to school because I had left a bag of lab supplies that I needed in his car. After school, I declared it nap time for everyone, and it was a wonderful afternoon because of it :)
Thursday, February 6: We woke up this morning with snow flurries in the air. In the end there was only about half an inch, but all the schools were shut down by noon. Tyler, Jamie, and Bronx played and played outside in the cold, and we all got our fill of hot chocolate when we came back in. At the end of the day, McKay took the kids out of the house to the McDonald's Play Place to let me study again.

Friday, February 7: After going through the entire morning of getting everyone ready and to their schools on time, I got to class only to find that it had been cancelled on account of snow (there was a little snow on the roads, but really not enough to cancel class- no one else was cancelled). I was so mad. They sent out an email 30 minutes before class, and nearly everyone was either there or on their way by that point. I took advantage of the free time and spent the morning studying. On a whim, I met McKay for lunch at Grip, a Mediterranean place near his office. We both had these huge yummy gyros, and had a really nice lunch date.

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