Sunday, February 21, 2010

Towels and Other News

After bath time, the Tyler In A Towel Show comes to town.

First he runs around the house laughing and hopping, tightly wrapped up, still sopping wet.

Then he starts to lose his towel, and he plays peek-a-boo with us from under it.

Then he loses the towel completely. Chaos ensues.

In other news, we are doing just swimmingly here in Hinckley Central, Plano, TX. Tyler and I spend our days running (literally) around the house with Evelyn and Edison, Tyler's cousins, whom he lovingly has named "Eh-von" and "Eh-son," and of course, Aunt Marie ("Ah-me!") Baby #2 has stopped nudging me like a cute little butterfly, but has developed a karate kick that makes my whole belly shake. Another boy? I think so. (No hard evidence on that yet!) McKay has had a few interviews, and is waiting to hear back from them while still looking for other options.

I have successfully killed off a small kitchen herb kit, which makes me a little nervous for a full-fledged garden. Luckily, there is SNOW in the weather report for this week, so we can put it off for a little while longer.


Kim said...

He's the happiest kid I have ever met! We are so lucky to have Tyler in our family! We miss you guys. Somehow, you feel farther away than when you lived in UT. I am excited for your herb garden. You are so Martha Stewart-ey. I love it! :)

The Grandmoo said...

I just love seeing Tyler-he is so cute. He just looks more like his Daddy everytime I get to see him. He is such a happy kid, laughing and doing his things. We could still get snow around here, We have storms coming in still in Feb and still have March and April to wadee through. You know how we get when we see snow in Yucaipa. Love you GMA