Saturday, February 23, 2013


I've secretly been keeping track of the funny things Tyler and Jamie have been saying and doing recently:

When I asked him what store Tyler went to (Home Depot), He said "Home Sweet Home."

Jamie has been watching me try to teach Bronxie tricks, so lately she has been picking out single pieces of his food from his bowl and re-teaching Bronxie how to sit: "Ronsie sit Ronsie sit? Good boy Ronsie!" Of course he completely ignores her, and of course she still give him the treat.

Jamie has been trying to quote movies to me. When she tried to tell me something that Muno had said: "He say, he say, he say, he say...."Banana!"

While riding in the jogging stroller, Tyler told me to "Watch out for that gi-naked rock!" (gigantic :) )

While watching Brave, Tyler wanted to know why Princess Merida wants to change her "feet".

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Tyler and Jamie's school had a big Valentine's Day party today. This was the first year they've exchanged valentines with their friends, and Tyler was SO excited!
 Tyler signing his valentines very carefully...

 Look how legible it's becoming!
 These were Jamie's valentines to share with her friends, but--
 she had other plans.
 My handsome little scholar!
Cute even in her rage at being photographed.  
I may or may not have allowed her to be smothered with love by Bronxie in retaliation.

Happy Valentine's Day! Oh boy. I feel like this is one of those Pinterest fails.

Saw it on Pinterest:

Brother and Sister

Nailed it.

Ah, well. It can't be perfect picture day everyday.

Unless your name is Bronx .(Almost too big for his bed! Sniff sniff.)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

Well Hello Blog

Oh blog, I've been neglectful.

Recap of the last three months?

1. Thanksgiving!
2. Christmas and A New Family Member!
3. School for three of us!

 Meet Bronxie! Half Mini Australian Shepherd, half Dachsund, 100% awesome.

 Jamie's lovely curls are finally long enough that they reach her shoulders. And she even lets me take pictures while she is busy eating candy.

Zoo fun! I love this picture so much.
And some Groucho fun.
 Our Christmas Card :)

 More zoo fun!

Bronxie and his dad, Hitch. He looks just like him, but with his mom's coloring.

The Hinckley Thanksgiving festivities included a No Talent Show. McKay and I put together a guitar-accordian duet of (ready for it?) "Baby (One More Time." Yes. Britney Spears. And it was fantastic.
In charge of Thanksgiving appetizers, as usual, and to my relief (no pressure on appetizers, and no hard and fast traditions. This year we had Spinach Artichoke Dip, a Brie Dip, Pepper Jack and Ham Hushpuppies, and Pecan Apricot Blue Cheese Crossaints. Yum!)

A new family picture!

 Our growing babies!

 And...Christmas morning!

 It actually snowed on Christmas Day, and only on Christmas Day. Magical.
 Oh, and we made a roast duck for our Christmas dinner.
 And he, he himself, The Grinch, carved the Roast Beast.
A tuckered out Christmas puppy.
And a not so happy first day of preschool. She had a blast there, it was just the pictures she objected to. Actually, it was me MAKING her pose for a picture that was so offensive. Tyler manhandling her didn't help anything.

So there you have it! Three months in one post. I make no promises for the future, but as I was scrolling through our old posts and laughing at the funny things and pictures, I felt a bit guilty that we'll probably forget most of what has happened since I last blogged. So here's hoping!