Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sing Sing Sing

Jamie is a singer, much more than Tyler ever was. In fact, whenever we try to sing to Tyler, his response is to yell at us "No, no, no, stop! Stop singing, Mommy-Daddy!" (We become one unit in his mind whenever something is very important.)

But not Jamie. She is a "Three Little Ducks", "Baby Bumblebee", and "Monkeys in the Tree" expert, and normally those are the three she asks for at nap time. Not so today. Today she asked for the opening song in Lion King. And not the "Circle of Life" part with actual words. Just:


And did I mention she sang with me?

Happy Sunday!

PS: Did you know those lyrics in the beginning are Swahili, and the translation is "Here comes a lion, Father, oh yes, it's a lion" ?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Camera pictures!

Aha! They are fuzzy, but there are accessible!

 Fun Aunt date with Evelyn! I took her to get her nails done and I think we got donuts afterwards. I always felt so special when GRandma Sandi or Aunt Joy or Aunt Mel would do something like this for me, so I am paying it forward. (Plus I got to eat a donut)

 Our sad, sad lawn. It was so pretty here at the beginning of June, and then we stopped watering it. Ha.
 This awesome splashpad has been the destination of many a grumpy afternoons this summer.

 But if we aren't in a swimmy mood, we can just go to Braum's and load up on gigantic ice cream cones.

 Jamie did NOT want to be at this indoor playplace, and while Tyler was running around making friends and going up and down slides, Little Miss here laid right down on the ground and made her displeasure known.
 This little puppy was running around our neighborhood lost one week, and after seeing it a few mornings in a row, we took her in for a few days to see if we could find her owners. No such luck, but since we can't have pets in our rented house (sob) she had to find a new home a few days later. Tyler's crumpled face as we drove away from the Humane Society was almost enough to risk the $400 fine.

Very spontaneously (like, 18 hours before it happened), McKay and I got tickets to go this concert in Dallas. It was an 80s throwback concert, with like 15 eighties cover bands. It. Was. Awesome. I still think that the Journey cover band was really Steve Perry, who just got bored in retirement and snuck back into the business under the cover (ha!) of a cover band. 

U2! I loved how close the bands came to looking just like the real thing. Steve Perry was stomping around the stage in tight white jeans, Brian Johnson had his silly newsboy cap on, and Angus Young was in his school boy uniform.
 A terrible picture of McKay and I, but here we are at the concert!
 I have to say, the AC/DC set was the best. People were just milling around and talking while it was getting set up, and it had finally gotten dark and not so hot anymore when this huge bell toll sound came out of the speakers. The beginning of Hell's Bells! People were jumping and screaming like it was actually AC/DC. I may have been one of them. Oh, it was so cool. We did the Dirty Deeds dance in honor of my dad, who does it everytime.

One sick Sunday afternoon, with just me, a hair straightening iron, and a little girl with springy, honey colored curls who wanted to stay in my lap while she watched Wall-e. Look how long her hair is when its straight! Please don't report me to CPS.


So I tore our computer desk apart and still cannot find that darn cord.

The end of summer term is here, much to everyone's relief. I was taking the equivalent of 20 credits this summer, and it was pretty much madness, May 1st through this next Thursday. But I got a ton of pre-reqs out of the way, and this fall will be the last semester before I apply to nursing school. Squeee! 

Funny things Tyler and Jamie have been doing:

Jamie has been learning new words nearly everyday. This week she's been working hard on learning the word blanket, but it keeps coming out "Blimey!" It is freaking hilarious listening to her yell Blimey! around the house, sounding like a mini Brit who just wants her blanket. Ah, so funny.

Tyler has started using his nighttime prayers as an impromptu wishlist. He won't pray for things that have already happened, but instead thanks God for all the things he'd like done in the near future. Last night's prayer:  "Thank you we could go to Costco and get Veggie Straws and pretzels, and go to the library and get new movies." Neither of those things happened yesterday. My take? I think he is an evil genius who knows I worry about him learning faith in prayer, and that I will probably do anything to get him to believe in prayer even if it means treating his prayer like a shopping list. Like I said, evil genius.

Also, he is learning his letters by leaps and bounds, thanks to his sudden obsession with He is getting SO good at knowing which letters make which sounds.

Here's to finding the camera cord soon!